报告题目:How to Publish in Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
报 告 人:Professor Ping Lu
讲座时间:2017年7月21日 上午9:30
邀 请 人:泮斌峰
联 系 人:泮斌峰
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics(JGCD)是国际上在航空航天工程领域里的知名学术期刊,是目前美国航空航天领域所有专业性工程期刊中影响因子最高的期刊,稿件来自近四十个国家,JGCD热忱欢迎来自西工大的高质量论文。主编Ping Lu教授将全面介绍JGCD、其审稿程序和标准。本讲座将讲解如何组织、写作、完善一篇JGCD论文,向作者提出中肯的建议, 并回答大家关心的问题。
Ping Lu教授,美国圣迭戈州立大学教授、航空宇航工程系系主任,AIAA Fellow,现任国际航空航天动力学、制导与控制领域最有影响的专业期刊AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics主编(自1978年创刊以来,JGCD只有过3任主编)。 Ping Lu教授是美国航空航天学会2008年度飞行力学和控制奖(Mechanics and Control of Flight Award)的获得者,该奖项是在国际航空航天控制、制导和导航领域中历史最悠久的著名大奖,Ping Lu教授是该奖项设立40余年来第一次获此殊荣的华人。
Ping Lu received his baccalaureate degree from then Beijing Institute of Aeronautics, and Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan. He was on the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University from 1990 to 2016 where his last position was Professor. He joined San Diego State University in 2016 to be a professor and the Chair of the Aerospace Engineering Department. His research interests and expertise are in aerospace guidance, flight control, and autonomous trajectory planning and optimization. Professor Lu was the recipient of the prestigious American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Mechanics and Control of Flight Award in 2008, “for contributions in advanced guidance algorithms for entry and ascent flight”. In 2016 he was a recipient of the NASA Johnson Space Center Director’s Innovation Group Achievement Award. Professor Lu is an AIAA Fellow, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.